We work with both buyers and sellers to provide best-in-class M&A services for companies in the transportation industry.

When working with sellers on a confidential basis, we help them achieve maximum value in the market at the time of sale.Ā 

To ensure our sellers receive the highest possible price, we perform a five-year financial review and detailed analysis of the business from which we establish a current market value enterprise range using both income and market methods.Ā 

We prepare a confidential sellers information package, advertise the enterprise for sale, financially pre-qualify potential buyers, negotiate offers, terms and conditions, and assist legal counsel by preparing draft agreements and managing due diligence documentation.Ā 

When working with buyers, we engage with clients who have already identified a target company to purchase to perform all the necessary due diligence functions to that buyers can run their businesses and we interface with the sellers.Ā Ā 

If you'd like to inquire about working with us to help buy or sell a business, schedule a call by clicking below.

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